Monday, March 20, 2006

My little Sweetheart!

Love the curl on the top of her forehead...........just like her DAD!!!!!!

My little CLOWN.....what a funny GIRL!!!!!

this equipment belongs to her Uncle, but to her it must have looked like fun.......she had to try it on!!!!!

1st DAY OF backyard!

well not quite, I know......I'm a DREAMER!!!!!

Unfortunately.....THIS IS THE REALITY of my backyard!!!!!!!

Storytime with Great Grandma Grace......

Mom & Natasha had a great time reading stories. I think Natasha kind of wonders what the extra spice is in the stories when Great-Grandma is reading. She looks at Mom like with a look that says, "that's not part of the REAL story"!!!!!

Poor Natasha.......I am Grandma & my Mom is also Grandma. I think she was kind of confused, it's the first time we have all been together for a couple of days. In the end Mom was simply Gace(Grace)! Natasha really took to Gace, it was so cute to hear........GACE, GACE, GACE! Soon it will be Great-Grandma-Grace!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Wasn't that a PARTY!!!!!

What a great day of visiting and 65th birthday celebrations. I ate so much today it feels like I can't even walk without waddling! Anyway, fun was had by all, and most importantly the birthday girl loved the day!!!!! That's what matters!!!!! Auntie Norma, you are such a FLOWER person, and these little centerpieces were just the perfect touch! As we were leaving you wanted a picture of the flowers, so here it is(sorry about the blur). Aren't they pretty!

Here are a couple of pictures Lori sent me(thanks Lori)

Friday, March 03, 2006

4 Fallen..........

On my mind today is with the 4 young RCMP officers & their families. They were killed in the line of duty one year ago today!

4 young men with a bright future ahead of them.........................

photo's to follow!