Friday, May 15, 2009

Miss A is visiting today.........wonder what I wil learn!

  1. Red ants are poisonous.
  2. Caterpillars turn into butterflies.
  3. If you eat too much butter something will happen to your heart.
  4. Does Uncle Daylan have a penis? Our Dad has a penis!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Love this!

Daniel's favorite poster girl!

Heard tonight on the news that Farrah Fawcett is dying.......they(the media)are saying she only has days left.........she is coming to the end of a LONG BATTLE with cancer!!

How do you spell S-T-R-E-S-S?

Today I spell it m-o-t-o-r-b-i-k-e.........and I'm not liking it..........ONE BIT!!!

Yep you guessed it............Daylan is the proud owner!

I'm really feel like I'm losing my bribing power....DAMM!

I quite like this picture........a happy guy just before we went to pick IT up!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Auntie Norma called and suggested I listen to 6:30 Ched to hear a message from a family member!

As I am one that doesn't listen to the radio, I hadn't heard it yet! So since yesterday I've had the radio on hoping to hear it...........and I JUST DID!!!

In the message Kristine mentions the Lois Hole Hospital website. I visited the site, and was happy to find a link where you could hear her message without having to wait for it to play on the radio. Be sure and check it out HERE!

GOOD JOB Kristine(& Brock)!!!

p.s. Kristine is married to my favorite 1st cousin Deryk(lol......private inside joke)!