Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back to I got a little smile!

Out the three pictures I took, this one is the best!

Have a good day Daylan, sorry I am such a pain in the BUTT!!!!!

In regards to the huge spiders in Alberta.........

and my July 17th Blog entry, check out..........


p.s. Thanks for the link Emily(Emtron500)from POTP!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I can't believe I've been a BLOGGER for a whole year! It's been fun, and I am still going strong................hopefully I will celebrate a 2nd Birthday!

Do you ever wonder.........

what makes people connect with each other? Especially when there is a HUGE age difference. I wonder this about Natasha and her connection with two of her Great Grandparents. She is often VERY shy with people she doesn't know that well, or see that often. Her Great Gido on my husbands side, and my Mom, her Great Grandma are her favorites. When she sees my Mom she always runs to her with the biggest smile, followed by a big hug, and a long squeeze. This of course is much loved by Grandma Grace! When she is around her Great Gido she is never to far from his side. Often on his knee, not really saying or doing much, it seems she just wants to be close to him. Too cute! This photo will always remind me of her connection with her Great it!

Thanks again Danica, for sharing your photo with me!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Just a Swingin'

and a smilin'(well I guess it was more of a giggle)!

While we were camped at Mini lake Baba & Gido come for a visit and Gido decided to go for a swing at almost 90 years old. Wouldn't you know it the day of their visit I never had my camera with me, thank goodness for Candace and Danica, they had their's(can I borrow girls?). It was a GREAT memory!

Danica thank you(her photo) for sending me this picture!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006

More summer fun coming your way..........

Okay, I am getting seriously ticked..............for some reason I cannot upload any more pictures, I have tried, and tried! Hopefully soon, keep checking back!

Check out the BLUE eyes!