Sunday, August 27, 2006

Do you ever wonder.........

what makes people connect with each other? Especially when there is a HUGE age difference. I wonder this about Natasha and her connection with two of her Great Grandparents. She is often VERY shy with people she doesn't know that well, or see that often. Her Great Gido on my husbands side, and my Mom, her Great Grandma are her favorites. When she sees my Mom she always runs to her with the biggest smile, followed by a big hug, and a long squeeze. This of course is much loved by Grandma Grace! When she is around her Great Gido she is never to far from his side. Often on his knee, not really saying or doing much, it seems she just wants to be close to him. Too cute! This photo will always remind me of her connection with her Great it!

Thanks again Danica, for sharing your photo with me!


Renee said...

Seems to me she has found a soulmate...very sweet

Heather said...

That is an adorable pic! Very precious indeed!!!