Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Pictures pretty much tell the story.........

10 or so minutes before Danica heads out for Fort MacMurry Ashley birdie trips/falls against the door jam and cuts open her chin!!! Not knowing if stitches were needed Danica decided to bring her and get it checked out!!! Sure enough 2 stitches were what the Doc ordered!!! This tough little girl(almost 2)was a REAL tropper, never even cried for the 1st stitch........then decided during the 2nd stitch she was bring held to tight, and let everyone know she wasn't impressed!!!!

Two hours later the three muskateers headed out on their journey!!! They arrived safe & sound in Fort Mac and are happily visiting their Dad!!! Mom says they were CHAMPION travellers!!!After a stressful morning one might expect things wouldn't go so well during their LONG car ride..........but they were GREAT........WTG girls!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awwww.....poor girl.....I hate the sound of a child getting stitches. I've seen and heard the screech from ER (not so much the pain but the terrified cry from these poor kids). OUCH!!!! I see she had stitches in Camrose.....I recognize the nurse in the pics, she used to live in St.Paul...too funny.

Take Care


Heather said...

Poor girl.. and poor Mom! Nice to see Grandma came for moral/camera support!!! It is so hard to see them hurt.