Thursday, March 13, 2008


sure you do....a LITTLE or a's worth giving.........send it here!!

Right now the Strollery Childrens Hospital is hosting their annual Radio-a-thon.......if you need a little push..........go here and listen to a few stories!!!

The Stollery has touched the lives of many families, from routine care, to life saving meaures......and our family is no different!!!!

I received a reminder of the radio-a-thon from Ryan & many of you know, a major part of what their family is today, is because of the if's, &'s, or but's about it!!!!

more Stollery support!!!
The scrapbooking community is a GREAT support to the Stollery!

Last year I volunteered at the Crop for Kids(Alberta event).........which to my understanding donated approx. $15,000 to the Stollery!! I am anxiously awaiting details of the 2008 event........and look forward to supporting either as a registered guest or a volunteer!!!

Last fall the Edmonton Journal ran a story on how theraputic scrapbooking is to kids with cancer(at the Stollery), and that donations to the hospital in the form of Scrapbooking supplies/kits are greatly apprectiated!!!
Jayme at http://www.scrapbookingfanatics/ had a plan to create a kit that would be purchased through her store, and donated to the Stollery. This morning in Jayme's newsletter she has announced that she has been working with a local wholesaler, and the kit is almost ready for purchase........HURRAY!!! I am so excited about this.........I'll keep you posted!!!

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