HUGE UPDATE: I haven't been sleeping for the past few days, just busy!
Sept. 9thHELLO....A great big hello to a my friend who I think will check in here today. I never know what to call you when I think of you as my friend. Are you a dear, old, good, family, or best friend? I guess all of the mentioned are well suited, we have been friends for as long as my memories serves me, forever. If you haven't already guessed I am talking about you PEGGY! Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy and visit often!
Quote:A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. -lois wyse
Sept. 8th It's not there anyone alive that has not said or heard this statement?
As a Mom I have heard 1000's of times, and continue to hear it(with grown children). This was brought back to mind for me on a scrapbook message board, and someone shared the following quote. She is a teacher of young children and tells her students this when the statement comes up.
Quote:"Fair is something you go to and eat cotton candy and ride rides" -ItalianGirl from 2Peas
Sept. 7th KatrinaThe first thing I have to say is, LIFE IS NOT FAIR! It is VERY hard to realize the tragedy of this natural disaster while watching it on TV. You watch it and know it's true, but it's so hard to phathom these are real life stories, unthinkable(another day/time WE should can count our blessings)!
Quote:Take care of the MINUTES, for the HOURS will take care of themselves. -lord chesterfield
Sept. 6th Our brains....I sat at the computer yesterday trying to think of topics for my #100 list. Well, as soon as I went to bed the ideas were just flying....should have got up an updated right then and there. Got up in the morning and they were ALL gone, hopefully they will be back SOON!
Quote:Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. -soren kieregaard
Sept. 5th Quote:The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway. -henry boye