Friday, May 19, 2006

It's a SUPERstore kind of day!

Well today is Daylan's 1st official day of work..........5:00 p.m. at the Camrose Superstore(garden centre). I have my camera ready, and in just a few hours I will be snapping pictures of him in his Superstore T-shirt, black pants, and black shoes(the dress code). I hope he won't be rolling his eyes to much(at me), but I just have to have a few pictures, it's kind of like your 1st day of school......................stay tuned!

UPDATED!!!! He's off to work!

He says........."I look like an idiot"! Dress code says, shirts must be tucked in...........this was totally foreign to him!

Last minute paper work!

Off he goes!


Renee said...

It's nice to see that they wear colorful shirts now instead of the ole black and white they used to have to wear awhile ago....way to go on the new job!

Renee said...
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