Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm thinking these photos might be worth a few $$'s...think I can cash in? & Tiger......we're K-I-S-S-I-N-G...........LOL!

Mr. Tyson turns 1(yesterday...the 12th)

The party was fun.........Tyson got lots of things with wheels.....his new favorite thing, too cute!! picture, oh brother......dead battery!!!  
Once again I am reminded how fast little ones are, and how a point & shoot just doesn't cut it in the world of a 1 year old....he is FAST......he WAS looking right at me.......then.....NOT!!  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tyson, you are a sweet little boy!  

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Please keep Mom & Jeep in your thoughts and prayers today!

This will be one of the worst, if not the worst both their lives!!!  They are being separated much too soon!  

Mom has been my first concern in all of this........but today I am thinking of Jeep, I don't know how he is going to make the day?  

Daryl & Lori are also trying to survive Dec. 8th......they both deserve a medal!!!  

I can't for this awful day to be over.....not that tomorrow is going to be a piece of cake, but it should be better than today!?

Sunday, December 06, 2009

this's 6 years on the 6th!!!

Grandma passed away 6 years ago today!  She has been on my mind quite a bit lately.........I'm searching for her positive, look on the bright side attitude.....I'm not doing nearly as good of a job of it as she did.....I'll keep trying?  

this gift tag was the last one Grandma signed for Daylan......I'm thinking it was probably 2002(her last Christmas)'s been on our tree every year since, and will be for many years to come!!  

Monday, November 30, 2009

I should probably explain myself....sometimes things don't read like they are meant!

This is regarding my post of Nov. 19th.....near the bottom where I said, "Daryl and I have to play thief again"!  

For those that know what's happening with Mom, you probably know what I meant........but others may wondering the the sam I'm talking about???  

Well, the play thief AGAIN means what is sounds like, we took something a while back!  The something was my baby album, which Mom refuses to part with, but always said it would be mine some day!!!  As time passes and she becomes more and more confused, I started to feel the only way I was going to get it would be to take it, save it from the elements(in the shanty)!

As for playing thief this time, I'm referring to some family history.  Mom has gathered family history for years.......she is now saying she doesn't know who these people are(names listed on documents), and what do I need this stuff for???? was thought that it might be a good idea to have the history removed in fear she might throw it away?  The plan was to mention it to Pa, then take it(if he agreed).....with the intention of having it in a safe the end it never happened!!  

It's very odd going against what someone is telling you, when you know they would really want something different!  I know she would tell me not to touch it, and I also know she would want the history protected!!!  Once again, I say.........I HATE THIS!  

Daylan and Warren

Daylan has be bit by the performing bug!  He's been doing a lot of singing and playing in the basement lately.   Him and Warren decided it was time to go live, for real, in a public place......the song writers open mike at Hydeaways in Edmonton.  

In spite of being VERY nervous, Daylan(& Warren)did GREAT!!  

Although these are likely the worst picture I have even taken, I have to share!!  

waiting to go on!

playing the harmonica

Auntie Betty sure keeps busy attending the young ones functions......thanks for coming......Daylan liked you being there(and of course, so did I)! 

Daylan and Tyson

Tyson really likes Daylan, it's so cute, he always as the biggest smile when he sees him!!  It started with Daylan's hair.....Daylan would shake is head so his dreads would fly around and Tyson would get a big smile.......he is past that now, and just give a big happy smile whenever he sees Daylan, even if he doesn't shake his head....LOL!!!  

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Big Bad Blogger(that's my text talk.......LOL)

Very busy in my Stampin' Up!'s that time of year!!!

Everything good here.....time is flying(what's new)?

Yesterday was a month since my Dad it feels like forever ago! While looking for pictures(yesterday,for a scrapbook page)for a class, I came across some pictures of him from a year or so ago......left me with a raw feeling!

Baba is in the hospital, doing well.......I have thought for many years my Grandma K was the toughest person I knew(know), I think Baba might take over the crown......she amazes me!

Daniel is in the States golfing, Daylan has been studying his BUTT OFF....from our house that's about it!

Natasha lost her first tooth yesterday......BIG DAY!

It just HIT ME.....I didn't post on Ashley's Birthday(our Anniversary)......the BIG 4!! We had lunch a DQ and of course ICE CREAM! She has very happy with her 4 loonies(the other stuff was fun.....but didn't hold a candle to the MONEY)!!!

Not looking forward to tomorrow......time for me(& hopefully Daryl)to play thief again........I hate this!

text talk(from Daryl).....BBD(anyone have a guess?)

Exciting news this morning......BIG BUCK DOWN!!!  YA Evan!!!  

Sunday, November 08, 2009

THIS IS IT is in theaters!!

I hope to go to the movie this week......anxious to see it!!  

A little Michael Jackson update..........THRILLER now has 72,076,934 views.  
On June 25th 2009(the day of Michael's death)there were 38,901,837 views(released in 1983).

38,901,837 since the start of YOUTUBE(?)......
33,175,097 in less than 5 months......

Part 2 from the Bonnyville paper!

I love the write a visual glimpse of the day(for those that were not there(even though I was....LOL!!))!  (click on the picture to enlarge)

Recieved the following from a NEW visitor....THANKS Rose Ann!

This is a clipping from the Bonnyville Nouvelle paper.....the fall of 1958,
it's a picture of my Mom & Dad's wedding!  

This is the Thank You card Mom & Dad sent out(I pretty sure that is Mom's handwriting)......I believe this was sent to Rose Ann's parents....neighbors to my Dad's parents!!!  

Sunday, November 01, 2009


how do you like those Chicklets(click on the picture to enlarge)? 

HOLY(not so happy)BATMAN! 

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome new visitors!

It is my understanding I may have a few new visitors to my blog.  If you received an e-mail from Betty, I welcome you!  

While you view the posts I hope you feel a little closer to Dad's service if you are one that would like to have been there.  

If you have a memory you would like to share please e-mail me at    ....I would love to hear from you.  

Thanks for stopping by, pop in anytime!

Donna(Mervin's daughter)

9:09 p.m.=one week

It is now one week to the minute since Dad's times it seems like only hours ago, and other times it seems like a month has past!  

These picture were taken the morning after the service.  

Graveside service for RAYMOND MERVIN

Cherish the boy he was, forgive what needs forgiving, and honour those who stood by him. ~written by Danica Siewert/Donna Wizniuk(mainly Danica)

February 7th, 1936-October 18th, 2009

Laid to rest by his loving parents, Norman and Mabel, at Rife Community Cemetery.  

this song played as Dad was carried to his final resting spot.....


(click on the title to hear the song)

Pallbearers(all three of his Grandsons, his only niece, and his only two nephews)

Adam Rodrique(Grandson)

Evan Allan(Grandson)

Daylan Daniel George(Grandson)

Daryn John(Nephew)

Dolci Joy(Niece)

Deryk Joel(Nephew)

Honourary Pallbearers(all three of his Granddaughters)

Danica Dawn 

Dana Dawn

Emily Lorraine

The Honourary pallbearers each carried a spray for the 3 family members that are next to Grandmother Mabel, my Grandfather Norman, and my Grandfather's father Oliver George(flowers were from my Auntie Betty)  

Family Procession


Donna Mae(Daniel)

Daryl Mervin(Lorraine)

with their Mother Grace


Norma May(John)

Betty Ann(Randy)

Great Grandchildren

Natasha Lyn

Ashley Madison

Tyson Aubrey-in photo with his Mom(honourary pallbearers, above)

Clergy-Pastor Gary 

Will the Circle Be Unbroken-Performed by Daylan

Scripture Readings

Margaret(see below)

Dolci(see below)

Mervin was born in Rife, Alberta. He was the first child for Norman and Mabel. He was blessed with two sisters, Norma and Betty Ann, who loved him unconditionally. 

Mervin attended Iron River School and was taught by Mr. R. B. MacGillivray from Grade 1 to 9. Mervin was determined to be in the same grade as Alfred Peters and Gerald Peterson and did reach this goal by skipping a Grade. At age 14 Mervin took his Grade 10 at Bonnyville High School where he played hockey. Immediately after Grade 10 Mervin, George MacGillivray, and Alfred Peters, left for B. C. looking for work. Mervin worked for some time in the Powell River Paper Mill in B. C. before returning to Alberta where he did different types of work. Areas of employment included: operating earth moving equipment – cats and buggies: driving truck both local and long haul: oil well servicing for Eskimo: contracting with Uncle Carman doing stucco and cement finishing work; Real Estate with Block Bros.; and started Merv’s Hot Shot Service which ended in 1995 when he was unable to carry on after surgery. 

His children, Donna and Daryl, are grateful to have always been made part of the family. We are very thankful to our mother, Grace, our Grandpa and Grandma, and our Aunties and Uncles. Without their efforts we could have easily been strangers.

From our Dad I have learned several important lessons. He has made me strong rather than weak. He has made me brave rather than scared. He has made me cautious rather than reckless. Simple life lessons taught in unconventional ways.

The last eight years of his life were in the Rimbey Long Term Care Facility. He was known and loved as Merv. We are thankful for the care he received at the last place he called home. During my last visit to Rimbey, this past weekend, I heard many comforting words. "He had the most beautiful eyes and smiles.” "He was a good man." "Love him for who he was. Remember the good and let go of the bad.” "He sure could tell a good joke.” Last but not least, "He will be missed".

During the many stumbles in his life, I do believe, it was he who suffered the most. You are now at peace.

It's our hope each of you will remember him kindly. From time to time, when a memory of him finds you, may it bring a smile to your face.

A light meal will be served at Eastbourne Hall following the Graveside Service.

Arrangements provided by Memento Funeral Home in Bonnyville, AB.


(these are the readings)

Read by Margaret, Dad's cousin
I'd like to make a comment about our circle of family and Mervin's place in it.  
-As a child Mervin was full of good cheer, a love of life, exuberance.
 -He was always in the front row for family pictures, his arm around me to give me a tickle, to make me laugh at the time the camera was snapped.  
-Our giggles & his antics brought a smile to everyone to make a happy family picture. 
-With the loss of Mervin the family circle is broken. 
-But forever in our memories will exist a thread of his joyful fun-loving nature, and a thread of his non-judgemental nature.  These memory threads will exist in each of us& they will intertwine to draw our family circle tighter & stronger-more joyfull less judgemental.  And we love him for it-forever.   

John 14:1-6

 1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

 5Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Read by Dolci, Dad's neice
Psalm 103

 1Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

 2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

 3Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

 4Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

 5Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

 6The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.

 7He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.

 8The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

 9He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

 10He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

 11For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

 12As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

 13Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

 14For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

 15As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

 16For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.

 17But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;

 18To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

 19The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

 20Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

 21Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.

 22Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.

(all photos taken by Peggy with Lori's camera.....thanks so much to both of you.....I am glad to have these pictures)

(after the graveside service). 
At the hall we had a guest book, a few photos on display, and a few memorabilia(unfortunately no pictures were taken at the hall).  Thanks so much to Auntie Norma and Betty for bringing several photos of Dad in his younger days(before my time...LOL)!  So many commented on how good looking he was....and he was, love those pictures!  Pictures are so comforting during these of him as a child, family pictures, with his Sisters from July 2009, and a few with Daryl & I.   Although we don't have a lot of pictures....the ones we have are GREAT(there was even one of him and Mom)!!!  

When it's time to gather family & friends it's time for visiting and a little something to eat.   In late Fall we were thinking a bowl of soup would be nice........we served soup, ceasar salad, cold cuts, fresh homemade buns, open face egg salad sandwiches, pickles, and a fruit tray.  There was of course coffee, tea, and punch........and due to the generosity of many we had a full table just for sweets......thanks so much to everyone that brought something....everything was so yummy(trust me I know)!  

Thank you Uncle John for saying Grace....much appreciated! 

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Brother Daryl & Sister-in-laws Lori's children!

They are always special to me, but over the past few days they seem extra special....thanks for being you!  

Monday, October 19, 2009

and this one......

not sure why.....

and this one......

CHOICES.....George Jones

and this one.....

I've had this song in the back of mind...

for this time......for a long time!!! Now the time is here.......In the Arms of an Angel

He's Gone......

Last night just after 9:00 p.m. my Dad peacefully took his last breath!

9 something p.m. 
the 9th year
the date adds up to 9(18th)

What does this mean?.....maybe nothing, but it sure makes me think of Grandma and her love for the number 9(and her Son)! 

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our annual FAMILY CAMPOUT(thank you Lori you saved my photoless dilemma)!

I am soooo glad Lori got a picture of this memory! Brock(probably the toughest kid I've ever known(his Dad runs a close 2nd)!

  1. You might of noticed he has a broken arm!

  2. Yep he was giving the little ones rides on the little quad......note......the quad was not running, Brock was pushing it.....WHAT A GUY!

  3. He did this many times over the weekend, we would look around and there was Brock pushing the quad!

1st year camper.......Mr. T!

and the winner of the dirtiest attendee.........Miss Ashley, HANDS DOWN!

Evan, our pancake artist........want a fun shaped pancake, he can DO IT!!!

fun & games.........Tayte watching and learning how it's done from her cousin Brock!

Lori's special guest.........JAKE, big hit with all the kids!

Daryl the corn chef.......Ashley, maybe in training!

Happy 47th Daryl............Thanks Auntie Norma, your cakes are always delicious!

Daryl helping Natasha, not sure what Natasha is doing..LOL!
Kites are a big hit at the camp out........the KIDS just love them!
This picture holds another great memory for me......little Tatye running with her kite in the open field........she is 3, I am sure she ran back and forth 20 times..........I couldn't believe how she just kept going and going............AND the kite behaved pretty well, and stayed in the air!

I had to STEAL this one from Danica's blog....makes me laugh just looking at it!
Firstly, when Tyson puts on a BIG SMILE his WHOLE face is cute! The other thing that makes me laugh is the story behind this picture! It was a group picture, Great Baba & Gido with 6 of the great grandchildren, not an easy task! Being Tyson is the youngest the plan was to get everyone ready, then quickly place Tyson and SNAP! WE were sure he was going to cry once he was on Gido's knee looking back at his you can see..............we were fooled big time.....BIG SMILES!

Want more........GO HERE!

Last but not least the whole crew.........I so miss Grandma being with us, and in this picture!
(thanks Lori, and Danica)