Sunday, February 01, 2009

My BIG 50 countdown...........

stay tuned!

Ya I know, it's two months away.........but I am challenging myself to do 50 GREAT things before(or around)my birthday........let's say between now and April 15th! I guess I shouldn't say will just be 50 things I want to do, 50 things to mark my birthday!

Why so early you ask?........well 50 is LOTS, and will take some doing!! I need a BIG head start!!!


I'm not happy with this number(50)........haven't had one yet(a bad number) so I guess I'm due!!!

PLEASE don't e-mail me or call and say..........."it's just a number" or, "you're only as old as you feel"........BULL CRAP to's not just a's 50....and for me it's not good!

50 means.........for sure I have more life behind me than I do in front of me!
50 now I should have most things figured out, and I felt less confused when I was in my 20.......go figure???
nope........I'm not done, more to come for sure......stay tuned!!

Overal my 50 things is going to be VERY positive...........but I just feel like grumbling to start out with...get the bad out of the way first......LOL!!!!

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