Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Natasha's Spring visit to the filled!!!!!

Well the time has come for Grandma & Natasha to head to the country.........I have been wanting to take her out there for a while, and it seems the timing wasn't ever right for one reason or another! We had so much fun, and Natasha got to spend quite a bit of time with Gace(what she calls my Mom(her GreatGrandma), it won't be long and she will be able to say Great-Grandma Grace). They both had a great time together!

As usual our visits are jammed packed with dull moments!

Is there anything cuter than BABY anything..............these little ducks(& geese) gave us quite a bit of entertainment. I think I had the most fun........watching all the fun!!!!! Emily & Natasha had a lot of fun bathing with these little swimmers....Uncle Daryl said, "bathing with a rubber duck just won't cut it anymore"!!!!

Believe it or not......this picture was taken just before midnight........bad Grandma letting her stay up so late, huge NO, NO, I know!!!!!

Pet the donkey.....okay.......

Kiss the donkey.........I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!

The next time we visit there will be baby sheep, a donkey, and a colt! I can't wait!!!!!


Tammy Brownlee said...

love th edonkey pics.....very cute...looks like you all had fun! MIDNIGHT? WHo am I to 4 year old is up with me and it is 12:05am!!!

D said...

I will be sending Natasha will some more concrete written instructions next time around so I don't have to deal with the aftermath of too little sleep. BAD GRANDMA!!

Heather said...

You are such a crazy Grandma!!! I can't believe you still had her up playing with the chicks at that time. Grandma's are indeed just "grown-up spoiled little girls"!!!