Thank you Lacintha(check out her blog link to the right)!
Now I have to tell you five weird things about me.............let me think..................hmmmmmmmmmmmm?????
1. Lacintha speaking of speeding, I once was the lucky winner of 3 speeding tickets in a 24 hour time frame............slow down Donna!!!
2. I literally can't stand anyone rubbing my scalp/back/shoulders/feet.....I know I'm WEIRD!
3. I don't have many fears..........but DON'T COME NEAR me with even the smallest little worm............I cannot be held responsible for my actions!!!!!
4. Sock always turn on my feet, after a short time the heal is always on the top...............I AM NOT KIDDING!!!!
5. Hats don't sit straight on my head..............after I've been wearing a hat(okay it's rare)for a bit, the brim is to the side...........guess I have a wacky shaped head! Considering #4 & #5 , it looks like I am a little off from head to toe.........LOL!!!!
Okay that's as weird as it's going to laughing!!!!!!
I will tag.....
and a few that don't blog, but they can send me their responses and I will post them here(LOL, haha, I've got you now non bloggers that come to visit).......sound fair?
Come on-
5 weird things !!!!!
1) I hate birds yet I went on a goose hunt this morning with the boys to shoot photo’s only!!! They can have it I’d rather be fast asleep at 5 am.
2) I love miniature donkeys. What they are good for I don’t really know I just think they are neat.
3) I would rather spend the day weeding the garden then shopping.
4) A would rather spend the day at home alone in peace and quit then go on a ski trip or out on the town.
5) I write and eat with my left hand and do everything else with my right. I can hammer with both, I just switch when one gets tired.
That was kind of neat and also hard to think of !!!