Sunday, November 09, 2008

Down right MISERABLE day!!!

I knew this day was coming for a LONG time, I have rehearsed it in my mind over and over, and over again!!! Unfortunately, it played out exactly how I thought it would............NOT GOOD!!!!

I should really name this post down right miserable conversation, not miserable day! It's about a conversation that I knew was in the I was dreading, but knew it had to take place sooner or later! Later didn't make it any better, probably worse.......more anger, more hurt feelings, from both sides!!!

To my readers:
Most family(and 1 friend Peggy)......will know immediately what I am talking about(or should have a pretty good guess......if not........don't sweat it)!
To my other readers.........glad you are still popping in for a visit......please don't worry about this craziness........come back soon........hopefully for a MUCH lighter topic!!!!


Anonymous said...

What happened?

Heather said...

I'm sure it will all turn out all right in the end Donna and at the very least the air is cleared and you have had the opportunity to speak your mind. I'm thinking about you!

Jayme said...
