Saturday, June 30, 2007

Natasha finally gets to sleep at her LITTLE FARM!

Danica has been telling Natasha they are moving to a LITTLE FARM, their new acerage.....well yesterday was the big move day, and all went well(exhausting but well)!!! All along I thought Natasha would be the one that would be more out of sorts, but to my surprise it was little Ashley that wasn't herself!! Poor little much action/confusion I guess!!! She was her perfect little self when it was bedtime, she's so funny,.....just lay her down and she is out...........even in her new room/house......sleeping in less than a minute I'm sure!!! Natasha was a real MOVING TROPPER.......she was SO GOOD!!! Kept herself busy.....she was unpacking her toy cute how she was finding all her stuff that Mom had packed up for awhile.......just like Christmas!!!

Today is another big day for Natasha.....she has been patiently waiting to get her NEW trampoline set's been in a box at her house for a month or more. The deal was that once they got to their LITTLE FARM she would get to take it out of the box, and set it up.........all this waiting is not easy for a 3 year old.....again.....she has been SO GOOD!!! !!!

I am sure by the end of today 90+% of their stuff will be unpacked.......WE ARE MOVING MACHINES(so Adam figures)......then it's time to get the lawn mowers started..........yikes there's grass out there!!!!

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