Friday, June 15, 2007


1. concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical.

Why am I surrounded by SO many self centered people.....I am really getting sick of this ME society........I want to RUN away.....but where can I go????? I best not get going on this.....who knows where I will stop!!! I will grin & bear it.....for now!!!

What ever happened to treat people as you wish they would treat you.......I seriously need to start letting this backfiring on a few people......treat them how they treat others!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Sadly the people I am referring to are plenty old enough to know better!!! The one person I could understand being self-centered because of their age(a teen-ager)is probably the most thoughtful person in my circle of self-centered people!!!!

I'll be back, I'm NOT finished!!!

round 2-
the rant continues!!!
I realize self-centered was a pretty broad statement...........and wasn't 100% fair! Maybe this all boils down to common sense........another thing that seems to be lacking in our society!!! Do for me as you want me to do for you.......pretty simple concept!!! Why is it so difficult for people to go out of there way to do something for someone.................JUST BECAUSE, and EXPECT NOTHING in return!!!! I get GREAT pleasure in doing things for people.......maybe I'm the weird one???

I'll be back..........maybe in the morning I'll want to delete all of this.....but somehow I doubt it!!!! Good thing I'm not in a bar tonight.........I would probalby pick a fight with someone!!!! LOL!!!

round 3
Damm, I woke up this morning...and the world hasn't changed!!! I'm more mixed up than yesterday.........I don't understand how something I conceive to be so simple can be made so difficult..........oh well such is life I guess!!


D said...

Hugs MOM!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,

I can relate to how you feel and have learned quickly that common sense is Not so common! Unfortunately more and more people are happily going about their own business that the desire to do something just to make someone else's day is rare. It seems sad to me that people feel the need to recieve something in return for kindness. However, it will not stop me from continuing to be kind to others. I truely believe what goes around comes around so keep doing by other the way you want to be treated because some people DO notice kindness even when it is a needle in a haystack! You are not weird, you are an inspiration for others to follow!

I hope your day shines a little brighter today :)


Anonymous said...

Oh Donna - sounds like Friday was a horrible day, or just full of difficult people! Hope this week's going better, especially since you got your hands on your SF challenge box!! HAVE FUN!!! Just checked out your SU! site too. Didn't realize you're a demonstrator. See you on the SF board!