Thursday, April 24, 2008

I need to WHIP MY HOUSE into SHAPE!!!

Seeing my DIET challenge isn't going so well, I am going to set a NEW challenge..........yep WHIP MY HOUSE INTO SHAPE(it seems that will be easier than whipping myself into shape...LOL!) I am going to go room by, sorting, get it right??? One thing about moving....everything is all nice and organized when you settle in.........well it will be 4 years this July since we moved to Camrose(can you believe it).........I'm not it's time for an OVERHAUL!!!!

My goal is to DONE May 4TH(actually the end of the day on the 3rd) room per day.....10 rooms/10 days!!!

I have one room in the house that isn't going to be a part of this challenge........that one is going to take a week craft room downstairs!!! I think I'm going to gut it(take EVERYTHING out)......and make this Daylan & Adam's hangin' out room.........reason has a DOOR ON IT........and I don't have to look at the MESS.........LOL!!!! Goal for this one..........before my craft garage sale......beginning of June!!

Wish me luck..........I'm starting tomorrow(did some cleaning today......but not a specific room)!!!!

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