Saturday, April 05, 2008

Lori sent me some funnies this are my favorites(out of 30)!!

1. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't.

4. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

6. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

9. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.

13. God must love stupid people; He made so many.

17. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!

23. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!

27. Ham and eggs. A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.

1 comment:

Jayme said...

ha ha ha!!!! Good ones!!! You know, I'm gonna be biting my tongue to not say "Park Elsewhere!!"