Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Have to go on a little RANT.........actually maybe it's a BIG rant.......here goes!!!

I am getting really SICK & TIRED of rude people.........isn't it easier to be nice? It's contagious......when you are nice to someone they are almost always going to be nice back.........right???? Along with rude usually comes a halo of negativeness(a bad combination, a dark cloud I prefer not to be under).......why can't people just BE HAPPY???

(I think)I'm a pretty patient person, I really try to brush things off........BUT there comes a point when enough is enough and you literally cannot take it anymore!!!! Guess what........I'm THERE!!! I've made a concious decision to distance myself from these kind of people(whenever possible)........if you don't have it in you to be GENUINELY nice to someone(more times then not)you won't be seeing much of me........I'm off to find some sunshine!!!

Well.........let's call it quits THERE.....if you are reading this I hope you can look outside and see a good day, smile & be nice to someone(even if it's just for a second)!!!

NO!!!........SILLY ME I CAN'T STOP THERE(that would be WRONG)!
On the plus side I must say.........my life has so many HAPPY people in it.......and I am beyond THANKFUL for that!!! The ones that keep me going, and show me the world TRUELY is a GREAT place to be!!!

One part of this HAPPY group of people is the LITTLE ONES!! They are just so sweet........always seem to be smiling & happy.........probably why I love them SO MUCH!!!!!

I was lucky enough to see one of these HAPPY little people yesterday!!! A surprise visit from nephew Ryan & his wife Joanne, and they of course had their little munchkins with them!!! I don't like to single people out, but sometimes it's just seems right! Mr. Wylie is such a happy little guy.........everytime I see him he has the biggest smile.........and a HAPPY HELLO......it never fails!!! Wish I would have had my camera WHEN that BIG SMILE and HAPPY HELLO was delivered........it was PRICELESS!!! THANKS for brightening my day Wylie..........you are a sweetie!!!

1 comment:

lacintha said...

Don't get me started on this....I hear you, and decided early this year (one of my many new year resolutions) to stay away from people and situations like this.
It's def. made me a happier camper...:)