Saturday, December 31, 2005

There is only about 22 minutes left in 2005, hope everyone is enjoying their last few minutes of the YEAR. One "D" of the house is sleeping and the other is out with his friends. Pick-up time is 1:00 a.m. so I will be up for awhile. I have had a very quiet evening, and because I fighting a nasty cold, I am enjoying the quiet!

Friday, December 23, 2005






(5) 2005 Memory...Our 1st Annual Boxing Day Christmas Celebration was a HUGE success! Mostly because Baba & Gido were so HAPPY with the evening!
It's the first time in a while the WHOLE CLAN has been together!





A FRESH MEMORY(dec. 19th)!

I love taking pictures of little kids.....especially these two little sweethearts! I find it is easy to get great individual shots of little ones, but when you put two or more together, it instantly turns into double trouble. I am happy with this picture but I must say out of 50+ pictures I took, there is about 3 good ones! Again I say, THANK GOODNESS FOR DIGITAL.....but I am now realizing I NEED A FASTER DIGITAL, one that moves faster than a two year old!!!!

The little girl in the photo directly below this post is the Mom to these two little munchkins! TIME FLIES!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Who sang the sweetest songs/carols? Here she is!

This picture makes me laugh out loud.....I am sure Dana started singing before she could talk(well humming anyway)! Anything from a song to a commercial, if there was music she was singing/humming! In this picture she would have turned 2 in Oct.(1983), and she is just going to town! There must have been Christmas music in the background when this picture was taken....her playmates are busy working on something, and Dana is in her own little world just singin' away!!! How Sweet!
OK here we's the 12 DAYS(MEMORIES)OF CHRISTMAS in three days!!

Santa always came to Baba & Gido's(when the kids were little), and it was usually the same volunteer. In the picture below I think the girl on the right has it all figured out, maybe this HoHo is her Dad??? My memory of this Santa was him always asking the kids the same question....."HoHoHo Merry Christmas, do all you little kids know what the true meaning of Christmas is"? And they would always answer, "yes Santa, baby Jesus was born on Christmas day". Thank you Santa for always reminding the kids what was the REASON FOR THE SEASON!

On this particular year(1981)there were 4 babies 17 months or younger on the W's side, and three of them were under 3 1/2 months. Here you will see the twins, Andrew & Amanda, Santa had is hands full! It was actually the Christmas of 1982 that all hell broke loose, and the 4 young ones were 3, 1 year olds, and 1, 2 year old.....WOWZERS, that was CRAZY!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Another funny(14).....
One Christmas get together there was an over abundance of Grandchildren that were SHACKED UP, as Baba put it! She called these three couples the shack-ups so of course I needed to take a picture! Missing from the picture is the 4th set of you know what's....T.J. & Rhonda. I am happy to say that each of these couple are now married, and there are 6 little Great-Grandchildren for Baba & Gido to enjoy! Can't wait to see them ALL together this Christmas!
Guilt at Christmas(15).....
I am so bad at sending out Chirstmas would think that someone who LOVES getting cards would be organized, and get them sent out, but I am just terrible with this. Every year I feel more and more guilty, and it has to stop! This year I have vowed to myself that I will get cards out, they are not in the mail yet, and they will not arrive by Christmas, but they will arrive. I am making my own cards so they will be sent as a Holiday Greetings, which will give me a bit of a cushion as they will arrive AFTER Christmas! Best get on it!

A few of reasons I love getting the cards are: the cards themselves, the year in review letters, and often updated pictures of all the little ones!
This year another special card from my Aunt arrived.....I love it, thanks for brighten my day!!!! Love Donna

I love the country look, and the touch of glitter.
here it is.....

We Celebrate an extra Birthday on Christmas day(16).....
or should I say acknowledge another birthday......Mr. Max our dog was born on Christmas day! This year he will turn 5, or is it 6? Happy Birthday Max!
DOG TREATS(17).....
No picture this time, but it's a funny one!
Okay so usually a week a so before Christmas goodies can be found on the kitchen counter.....they have either just come oven and are cooling, or are waiting to be packaged up and put away! Anyway, my husband has been known to walk in the kitchen and grab a piece of whatever is there, have a nibble just to make sure all tastes good! Well on this particular day, Danica decided she would make the family dogs some homemade treats for Christmas. Yup, nice warm LIVER MUFFINS were sitting on the counter, and guess who come along for a taste of the goodies, Mr. Daniel. We had kind of anticipated what was going to happen, and we were waiting for the moment to arrive. Talk about laugh, he took a bite, made a face, and then we informed him they were for the DOGS, and they were made of LIVER!!! Then the gagging would think he had eaten poison. What a scene, him gagging, and us laughing our heads off!!!!! Another great Christmas memory!

Note: the liver muffins were fine to eat(all eatable ingredients), just didn't taste that great!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

MY CHRISTMAS TREATS(18)......Every year I make homemade treats for most everyone on my gift list.
Today I made......

1. Caramel Popcorn

2. Poppycock

3. Nuts & Bolts

4. Trail Mix

5. Spiced Nuts

6. Dark Fruit Cake

7. Eatmore Bars

8. Peanut Brittle

9. Shortbread Cookies

I love making these goodies, but when making 2-4 batches of each, it takes two full days of mixing, stirring, & packaging! It is 6:14 an I have been on my feet since early this morning(today was day 2) legs are sore from standing all day(whine, whine, sniffle, sniffle). It's a good feeling to have it all done......if you are on my gift list, I hope you enjoy!

Friday, December 16, 2005

this poem was sent to us by my Aunt Betty for our first Christmas without Grandma, she passed away just three weeks before Christmas 2003. Very touching at the time, and yet today!

My First Christmas In Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
with tiny lights, like Heavens,
reflecting in the snow.
The sight is so spectacular;
please wipe away the tear,
for I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.
Hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas Choir up here.
I have no words to tell you,
the joy the voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away,
we really aren't apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones,
you know I hold you dear,
And be glad I'm spending Christmas,
with Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a memorey of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important
in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other,
as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessings or love He has
for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear,
Remember I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

This is the scrapbook page I did using the poem, My First Christmas in Heaven....the card that is included on the page was signed by my Aunt, and it read......
A parting gift from Heaven....Love Grandma

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas isn't Christmas without Christmas carols! There are many favorites, I think my is Hark the Herald Angels Sing(hard to pick one). My favorite Christmas album is an real oldie, Berl Ives, and yes our first version is an LP, IT'S OLD!!!

Whether you are listening to the radio, a record, cassette, 8track, CD, or an MP3 Player, I hope Christmas music warms your heart, and helps you get into the spirit of Christmas! ENJOY!!!!

Visit this site if you would like to hear some Christmas tunes!


1. Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King,
peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
join the triumph of the skies;
with th' angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"

2. Christ, by highest heaven adored;
Christ, the everlasting Lord;
late in time behold him come,
offspring of a virgin's womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
hail th' incarnate Deity,
pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"

3. Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
risen with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by,
born that we no more may die,
born to raise us from the earth,
born to give us second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"

Saturday, December 10, 2005

SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL(21).....this is not really a memory, it's something I look forward to EVERY year! Thank you so much Auntie Norma.....I can't tell you how much I love this gift from you! Some would think getting the same thing year after year may getting old.....but NOT FOR ME!!!! It is just great when you love a gift so much, and you get it over, and over! It is a beautiful addition to our festive deocorating. Love Donna

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For this Christmas post(22) I have a ton of pictures and it's soooo hard to pick just I will share a few! Gathering at Christmas time has different meaning to every family out there. I feel so fortunate to have married into a family that LOVES Christmas, it is truely a CELEBRATION. We have spent every Christmas of our married life with my in-laws, plus a few before we were married. Probably 30+ years now. This doesn't not spell r-e-l-a-x-e-d or q-u-i-t-e, but it does spell f-u-n, and g-r-e-a-t m-e-m-o-r-i-e-s. Oh, and did I mention N-O-I-S-E!!!! I can't imagine Christmas without Baba & Gido, and the whole crew!!!!! Hats off to Baba!!! For MANY years she pulled this off almost single handedly. Not just an afternoon gathering with one meal, but all of us traveling home, and spending 3 jammed pack days at their house. She also went above & beyond with many extras, her traditional Christmas Eve supper, many Ukrainian customs, homemade gifts for all the kids, and the list just goes on and on!!! Because the family keeps growing, and growing, the move has been made to have our Christmas celebrations on Boxing Day. The kids are all getting excited for the big day, when I say kids I mean Grandchildren and they range from 16-37(sorry Dean, not sure if I am correct on your age, but I am close), and I might add so are the parents! Again, we have the blessing of spending another Christmas TOGETHER!!!!!

(1977 or 78)Baba is ready.....everyone is waiting for her fabulous meal, she is such a great cook!!!! In the early years when there were only a few of us we all fit around the dining room table.....

years later(somewhere around 1985-87)the move to the basement was made. This picture is of the Grandchildren(except Daylan who wasn't born yet).

Baba & her girls!(approx. 1993)

Gido & his boys!(approx. 1993)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas Memories (23)

This one is a little more recent....only two years ago!!!!! The whole crew at Daryl & Lori's. Little Missy Natasha(3 three months old) was there, but she was enjoying a sleep when this picture was taken.

Daryl worked countless hours restoring this old sleigh. I know there is a different(proper)name for it, and he is going to be rolling his eyes if he reads this, as I should know what it's called. Oh well!

Stay tuned more to come real soon!

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Have you ever heard CHRISTMAS IS FOR KIDS? Well even though I am full-grown I still love Christmas. There is definately a lot more excitement when there are little ones around. It is a true joy to watch the WONDER in their eyes! They are so priceless....and often sleepless! One particular Christmas comes to mind for me. It was our first turn at hosting the whole crew, was I stressed! You want everything to be PERFECT so everyone can add to their list of special Christmas memories. Well to start the day off our two excited girls awoke at 3:30 a.m.(I had probably got to bed at midnight or so). When I think back I wonder why I didn't just send them back to bed, they must have been wide awake, so I knew it was hopeless! Anyway, we all got up, and the Christmas day began.

By the time I had to start getting ready for the day, the girls were ready for a nap.....therefore it all worked out okay. After everyone left I remember thinking, I can't believe all the prep involved in hosting, and in a few hours, IT'S ALL OVER! I felt exhausted and very sad!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I absolutely LOVE CHRISTMAS.....Even though it's ALWAYS CRAZY it's my favorite time of year. During the next 20+ days I will post some of my favorite Christmas pictures & memories.....Hope you enjoy!!!!

The first picture is of my Aunt Betty and I posing by the tree, anxious to get into all the pretty gifts. The date on the picture is Sept. 65 which is when the film was developed, my guess this is the Christmas of 64, and I would have been 5 1/2 years old. My favorite memory from Christmas at Grandpa & Grandma Knapp's house is the Christmas card game. Grandma always had her cards hung on sting, I can remember many layers of cards dressing the walls. Someone would pick a card and ask everyone what type of person sent that card. Each person in the room would have a turn at guessing, sometimes saying....this person is rich and lives in the city, this person is down-to-earth, this person loves to cook, and on and on! It seemed that once the name of the sender was announced a laugh would fill the room. At the time, this was probably way over my head, but I just remember it being fun! I would sit in the middle of the room on a empty Japanese orange box. Way back then Japanese oranges were sold in wooden boxes, and to this day when I see or think of Christmas oranges I remember those little wooden boxes!

A great Christmas memory that matches perfectly with this picture.....Thanks for looking!

NOTE: I am holding a homemade Mickey Mouse doll, made for me by my Great Grandma Schafer, I still have this doll, a cherished childhood toy!