Thursday, April 05, 2007

Someone is Mexico has been patiently waiting for these!!!!

Up in the loft........

Auntie Lori has pictures of the nose rubbin'......will get them soon!

Our nightly searching adventure in the basement at Grandma Grace's..........lots to see down there!

Pa was showing Natasha how a lever works......she had to try and lift the glass hot-plate with one finger, then push the lever with one finger, and decide which one was easier........she figured it out EASILY!!!!

Looking for birds, squirrels, horses, whatever she happens to spot!

fun at the kitchen table(Grandma Grace's)........then Uncle Daryl arrives!
Notice Uncle Daryl has her sunglasses on his head....the deal was if she wanted them she had to take NEVER happened! This was one of several STARE DOWNS!!!!

At Karen' about cute..........both of them!!!!

This picture was taken at Karen's as well.........perfect representation of our(Ashley & Grandma's)4 days at the farm.........attached at the hip!

home sweet home...........yes I was informed by Natasha, "that's not Ashley jacket"!

Just goofing around before we leave for Dolci's!

Lets get a picture........4 kids 5+ under!

Waiting for Natasha to finish playschool! What a combo, toque & bare feet! When we left the house Ashley had socks and shoes on........when I turned around to check on her this is what I saw!!!!

1 comment:

D said...

I did post in Mexico...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU but I am not seeing it now. Thanks again!!!!!