Tuesday, April 24, 2007

TAGGED......I love the #7 so I decided I would play along!!!

Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules.

At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

OK, here goes:
1. The 1st one that pops into my head is my kitchen sink area.........it's ALWAYS(90% of the time)a MESS(yep it is right now)!!!

2. I HATE worms, and I don't use the word HATE lightly. Warning: I cannot be held responsible for my actions if ANYONE comes near me with ANY form of wiggly(big/small or anything in between)!!!!

3. I have very badly cracked heals......it appears to be a family trait. My are really bad due to neglect...........got to get that cream out more often!!!

4. The one thing I wish I was.........a better reader!!!! Would love to be an avid reader.........I guess it's just not in me........I am thankful 2 of our 3 children LOVE TO READ, sorry Dana looks like you took after me in the reading department(although you are much better than I)!!!!

5. I am a BABY/WEDDING nut!!!!

6. I always seem to notice the small stuff......credit given to Grandma K......she was famous for this.......she also didn't sweat the small stuff, but somehow I missed out on that one!!!

7. Last but not least.......I sure would like to know if I am ever going to win the lottery.....DUH....you have to buy a ticket to win!!!! I have probably bought a total of 10(if that)lotto tickets(649's) in my whole life!!! Oddly enough I am always planning how I would spend the money!!!

I am tagging............Danica, Dana, Heather, Shelley, Tanya, Shirlee & Lori(send your replies via e-mail and I will post here)!

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